The governments do not use the new virus variants to build a database and exterminate the population
Vaccines adapted to the known variants are not being administered at the moment

An article from Church Militant website has echoed an interview in which a man that self-identifies as Mike Yeadon, former employee at Pfizer, has asserted that the governments are using the new SARS-CoV-2 variants, as the British, the Brazilian or the South-Africam, to “ create new vaccines and reinforce their goal of building a global database”. We are facing FALSE information. New variants emerge spontaneously, after the variation of the virus genetic code upon replication. Moreover, injections adapted to the known variants are not being administered at the moment.
"Governments were […] using the fear of Brazilian, South African, Kent and other variants or mutants to create new top-up vaccines and reinforce their goal of a global database"
The phenomenon of variants is well known to scientists, since it occurs in any other virus type: “SARS-CoV-2, as any other virus, is constantly mutating due to the error-prone replication of its genetic material. Mutations (or changes) can occur randomly in any of its 30.000 bases, or nucleotides, that compose its genome”, points Adelaida Sarukhan, immunologist and scientific writer at ISGlobal, to Verificat.
A virus variant is mainly formed when the virus mutates in such a way that its genetic code has been sufficiently modified to be considered as a new ‘branch’ or ‘lineage’. “Most mutations do not have a biological impact (that is, the capacity of infection or of causing disease do not change)”, adds the expert.
For coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, mutation is quite frequent: it has been estimated that it does so about twice a month. “From the 136 million of confirmed covid-19 world, about a million cases have been sequenced and new variants have been described. The vast majority of these variants are “innocent”, Sarukhan points. Nevertheless, few of them have indeed involved involved a major cause of concern: “The B1.1.7, described in Great Britain, the B1.351 described in South Africa, the P.1 (in Brazil) and other two described in California and New York share some mutations in the Spike protein which have been observed they can increase its transmission capacity, their lethality and/or capacity of escaping to the natural or vaccine-mediated immunity”.
B plans
Concerning to the fact that governments could be using the variants as pressure elements “to create new vaccines and reinforce their goal of building a global database”, the reality is that, despite some injections could have a reduced efficacy due to the emergence of new variants, for the moment no new vaccines are being created to be adapted to the existing ones. To make matters worse, “some experts affirm that the virus no longer has much room for further mutations”, as Sarukhan points, thus they “would eventually affect their capacity to infect our cells”.
The issue of variants is something that has been taken into account since the beginning of vaccine supply, and one that vaccine manufacturers have been counting on, who are currently developing B plans in case a new variant being sufficiently different to make vaccines lose their effect may suddenly arise. In any case, the redesign of the injections to adjust them to the new strains is neither new nor extraordinary: every year, vaccines against the flu need to be redesigned because the old ones become obsolete.
Yeadon assures that the vaccine can serve to “depopulate a significant proportion” of the world population, but it has no sense. While the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 has so far caused the death of at least 3 million people worldwide, all the vaccines have proved their efficacy in several clinical trials in phase III, as has occurred for Pfizer and Moderna. Furthermore, after a month from the beginning of the vaccination campaign and more than 13 million of administered doses, the CDC reported only 113 deaths, which were not related, according to the reports, with the vaccination against covid-19.